Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Life is weird. You can go from being strangers, to being friends, to being more than friends, to being practically strangers again.

Don't regret our goodbye, be thankful that we were given the opportunity to meet.

"My world has changed and so have I. I have learned to choose and I have learned to say goodbye" - Poccahontas

"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, they both transformed" - C.G Jung

"Do you believe that there are no accidents in life? Everything happens for a reason.
Every person we meet will have a role in our lives, be it big or small.
Some will hurt, betray and make us cry, to become stronger.
Some will teach us lessons, not to change us, but for us to realize our mistakes and to help us grow, and make us a better person.
And some would simply inspire and love us to make us happy."

I know that you're all thinking about what I am doing, you guys got it. I wanna tell you a story, true story that rarely happens in this era; and that's not a drama.

Let those be my prologue to tell you something. Something about a man, a man who can changed your mind and your life that you'll never regret about. Someone who can makes you pray for him even though you don't know him at first. Someone who could makes you believe about 'love at first sight'. Someone who is out of your circles.
A story, complicated one but lovely. An enigmatic.
A stranger.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


aku adalah orang air, dalam hal ini aku berbicara tentang salah satu zodiak yang aku merupakan salah satu manusianya. aquarius.

air itu tenang, tapi ia bisa menjadi bahaya ketika sudah tidak berada dalam ketenangannya.
air itu melegakan, tapi bisa menjadi yang paling kamu takutkan untuk menenggelamkanmu.
air itu anugerah, air hujan misalnya.
air itu mengikuti arus, ia pergi kemanapun arus membawanya. terlihat seperti tidak punya pendirian ya?
tapi setidaknya air tahu kemana akhirnya dia akan berhenti.

jika banyak dari kalian yang selalu berbicara mengenai kelabilanku, iya mungkin memang aku terlihat seperti itu. tapi layaknya sifat air, dalam kelabilanku itu sendiri setidaknya aku tahu aku akan berhenti dimana, aku tahu resiko yang akan aku dapat itu seperti apa.

aku ingin seperti air. melegakan, menenangkan, dan ditunggu saat kemarau mengeringkan.
setidaknya aku ingin seperti air yang dianggap sebagai anugerah oleh dia yang merupakan salah satu teman lawan jenisku.

sudahlah, selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa di bulan ramadhan. kita akan bertemu si air lagi sekitar tiga jam dari sekarang hehehehe :-)